Learn more about A.D.A.M.'s editorial policy editorial process and privacy policy. is among the first to achieve this important distinction for online health information and services. follows rigorous standards of quality and accountability. is accredited by URAC, for Health Content Provider (URAC's accreditation program is an independent audit to verify that A.D.A.M. If necessary, try to jump out of the vehicle so that you do not maintain contact with it while also touching the ground.Ī.D.A.M., Inc. If you are a passenger in a vehicle struck by a power line, remain in it until help arrives unless a fire has started. Do not move the person's head or neck if the spine may be injured.ġ0.

You may not be able to notice all of them. Electrical injury is frequently associated with explosions or falls that can cause additional severe injuries. Stay with the person until medical help arrives.ĩ. If the person is faint, pale, or shows other signs of shock, lay them down, with the head slightly lower than the trunk of the body and the legs elevated, and cover him or her with a warm blanket or a coat.Ĩ.

If the person has a burn, remove any clothing that comes off easily and rinse the burned area in cool, running water until the pain subsides. Perform rescue breathing on a person who is unconscious and not breathing or is breathing ineffectively.Ħ. CPR should be started if the person is unconscious and you can't feel a pulse. If either has stopped or seems dangerously slow or shallow, start first aid.ĥ. Once the person is away from the source of electricity, check the person's airway, breathing, and pulse. If possible, stand on something dry that doesn't conduct electricity, such as a rubber mat or folded newspapers.Ĥ. If the current can't be turned off, use a non-conducting object, such as a broom, chair, rug, or rubber doormat to push the person away from the source of the current. Call your local emergency number, such as 911.ģ. Do NOT attempt to rescue a person near active high-voltage lines.Ģ. Simply turning off an appliance may NOT stop the flow of electricity. Unplug the cord, remove the fuse from the fuse box, or turn off the circuit breakers. If you can do so safely, turn off the electrical current.